Utica: Roberts Elementary in Shelby Township Becomes the Fifth School Receive Our Support
Eight years ago our group started with a single school in the Utica Community School District, Dresden Elementary. Through the years three additional schools have been added, Jack Harvey because of the support of the MNP Corporation, Havel and Graebner with the help of the community. Now the support of a new community partner has allowed us to add Roberts Elementary School. DRIVE R & E Family Foundation has provided the funds necessary to add this school. The start was delayed because of the pandemic, but by spring we were sending bags of food home for the children of Robert Elementary. For the 2021-2022 school year, DRIVE R & E Family Foundation has agreed to support a second school. We will announce shortly the name of the next elementary school to be added to the program.
Donors Are Essential to the continuation and growth of this program. The generosity of this community is wonderful. Individuals, small and large service clubs, churches, labor unions, businesses, and financial institutions keep us in their hearts as they give and get involved as we fight child hunger in our neighborhood.  If your organization would like to plan a fundraising event, we want to hear from you. Contact us at (586) 566-8855 or BIABUTICA@yahoo.com.
Eight years ago, I did not believe there was any need in our community for this program. After turning my back on this effort twice, a friend explained that money hitting the front door does not guarantee food for a child at the kitchen table. The hungry child is not at fault for the situation they are in. Six little meals in a backpack handed to a child helps to feed the child until they arrive back at school on Monday morning, ready to learn.